01 December 2023 - Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Gender Identity Today - now in convenient podcast form!

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick
Ossiana and Ami - image by the author via YouTube

Today I speak with the one and only Ossiana Tepfenhart, who covered the adult film industry as a journalist and has written on topics from music to politics to sex. Ossiana and I discuss Lolita fashion, control freaks, and why we should not be embarrassed to appreciate a good orgasm.

Find Ossiana on Substack: https://ossiana.substack.com/
Find Ossiana on Medium: https://medium.com/@ossiana.tepfenhart
Find The Refugee Newsletter on Substack: https://therefugee.substack.com


Amethysta Herrick

Ami is a transgender woman dedicated to exploring identity and gender. She is Editor-in-Chief of Purplepaw Publications, LLC.

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