Transgender? Get Ready to Blow Up Your Life!
When I was a child, my friend Jason and I dreamed up a simple method to accomplish the impossible.
Labels — the Ultimate Weapon Against Queerness
I remember where I was when I learned the word “ratify.”
Queer or Not, Identity is Life
Who you are and how you express your identity is vital — literally your tie to health and life.
Overcoming my Hidden Transphobia
I admit, as a transgender woman, I still struggle with transphobia.
Ayurveda and the Transgender Soul
Being true to your deepest identity is good for your health.
Science vs. The LGBTQ Community
Do you remember household cold fusion devices that promised clean, unlimited power virtually for free?
The Transgender Brain: Its Development and Operation
The gender-critical crowd dismisses the transgender experience as delusion.
Coming Out for the Holidays: A Transgender Winter Solstice
My mind thrives on making connections.
Inclusivity: What It Is and How to Avoid It
Thought leaders bleat the importance of inclusivity today, particularly if it results in publicity.
Things That Actually Matter
Today I received a letter from a friend of mine named Charly.
Baby’s First Transgender Black Friday
Since I love to come out swinging, let me state for the record that I hate the term “trans baby.”
The Evolutionary Advantage to Transgender
When the weather is fair, I like to run barefoot.