I Am a Transgender Harry Potter Fan

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You may be surprised to hear this…

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

Gender Roles in the Context of Society

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In a conversation with Lauren Miller last week, I asked a question about the relationship between where she and I have grown up and our identification as transgender. (For reference, I grew up in the US; Lauren will have to say where she did in the comments.) Truth be told,

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

On Sex, Gender, and the Origin of Thought

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Recently, Kitty Whitemore published an article with a response asking whether her “internal narrator” “change[d] from masculine to feminine” as she transitioned from presenting as a man to presenting as a woman. She has since published a more complete response to this question with her opinion on how her

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

Earning my Warrior Name

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In the article “Feral Cats Make Me a Better Woman,” I discussed the Warriors series of books as an allegory for human life in general, and the transgender experience in particular. I will be using terminology introduced in that article here, and if you find yourself immediately confused, it might

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

Feral Cats Make Me a Better Woman

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My son discovered a series of books in the past year. In the United States, the series is called Warriors; it originated in the UK from several authors publishing under the pseudonym Erin Hunter. The official web site is here; you can read more about the series here. My son

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

The Reflection

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Before I jump into what I have named The Reflection, I want to summarize some of the points that I have tried to make so far. The first major point is the distinction between sex and gender. Although genetics has been well studied, the human genome defines only physical characteristics,

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

Changes to Cognition Due to Hormone Therapy

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In the last article, I promised to discuss how my cognition — my thoughts, emotions, and methodology of observing the world around me — have changed since I began Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in July, 2022. I was surprised by how rapidly inner changes occurred. I still experience revelations regularly, which has

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

The Horrors of Coming Out

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Dear Reader, I would like to come out to you. I voted for Ross Perot in 1992. Yeah…it’s true. In fact, I voted for him again in 1996. My father told me that I was responsible for electing Bill Clinton, whom he despised. My opinion was that Perot

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

Psychology and Gender

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In the article “Genetics and Gender,” the title ties together the scientific study of genetics with the less obvious word gender. At the conclusion, however, I deferred discussion of gender to another article. I admit that there was a “clickbait-y” aspect to the title; I apologize for toying with your

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

Why Are There So Many Transgender People in Technology?

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I have a quickie thought that I wanted to get out of my head since three completely unrelated conversations recently led me to reconsider something that I had assumed to be a foregone conclusion. I promise there will be no science, no footnotes, and little actual content. That can come

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

Genetics and Gender

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My last article was only an introduction and didn’t carry much substance with it. I hope to rectify that with this article. Strap yourself in, because I’m about to dispense a whole lot of science. Bear with me on this for just a bit; I have a purpose

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

The Journey Begins…

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Three months ago today — 07 July, 2022 — I applied my first estradiol patch and began my gender transition from presenting as a man to presenting as a woman. Three months ago, I would never have believed that the changes that I experienced could be possible in my life. When I

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick