Live Stream

Live streams you wish you saw live, but can still see after the fact

Sex while Transgender: How Transition Changes Intimacy

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Identify Yourself - a live stream you can live with

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

Creating Your Identity from Scratch

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Identify Yourself - a live stream you can live with

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

Still Transgender: ASK ME ANYTHING!

Members Public -

Identify Yourself - a live stream you can live with

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

I'm Transgender and I'm Tired of These 4 Pet Peeves

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Identify Yourself - a live stream you can live with

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

My Transgender Experience: I Am the Product of GOOD KARMA

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Identify Yourself - a live stream you can live with

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

The War on Words: LGBTQ Rights and the Fight for Language

Members Public -

Identify Yourself - a live stream you can live with

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

Transgender Life: Ask Me Anything!

Members Public -

Identify Yourself - a live stream you can live with

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

The Biology of Gender: What Does Science REALLY Say?

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Identify Yourself - a live stream you can live with

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

The BIG Problems I Face (and why you should face them, too)

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Identify Yourself - a live stream you can live with

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

Gender-Affirming Care RESULTS: How Have I Changed as a Person?

Members Public -

Identify Yourself - a live stream you can live with

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

Practical Advice for the Newly Transgender

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Identify Yourself - a live stream you can live with

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

Given Regret Stories, Why Bother Transitioning at All?

Members Public -

Identify Yourself - a live stream you can live with

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick