Personal stories of discovering identity and gender, with every bittersweet emotion.
Finding My Name: From Childhood Pain to Transgender Pride
“May I have your name?” asked the Fey Prince. “Yeah, sure — I’m not using it,” answered Amethysta v1.0.
Your Identity Is Non-negotiable
Purge your life of people who choose not to support you in being who you are.
Pain as Self-Care: Why Transgender is Not a Fetish
“I thought I’d gone to the limits. I hadn’t. The Cenobites gave me an experience beyond limits. Pain and pleasure, indivisible.” — Frank the Monster, “Hellraiser”
Transgender? Get Ready to Blow Up Your Life!
When I was a child, my friend Jason and I dreamed up a simple method to accomplish the impossible.
Overcoming my Hidden Transphobia
I admit, as a transgender woman, I still struggle with transphobia.
Ayurveda and the Transgender Soul
Being true to your deepest identity is good for your health.
Coming Out for the Holidays: A Transgender Winter Solstice
My mind thrives on making connections.
Things That Actually Matter
Today I received a letter from a friend of mine named Charly.
Baby’s First Transgender Black Friday
Since I love to come out swinging, let me state for the record that I hate the term “trans baby.”
Operation Name Change: Mission Accomplished
“You are being served with documents…”
Death of a Name: On Trans People, Transition, and Integration
I had to go to the courthouse today.