
Personal stories of discovering identity and gender, with every bittersweet emotion.

Earning my Warrior Name

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In the article “Feral Cats Make Me a Better Woman,” I discussed the Warriors series of books as an allegory for human life in general, and the transgender experience in particular. I will be using terminology introduced in that article here, and if you find yourself immediately confused, it might

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

Feral Cats Make Me a Better Woman

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My son discovered a series of books in the past year. In the United States, the series is called Warriors; it originated in the UK from several authors publishing under the pseudonym Erin Hunter. The official web site is here; you can read more about the series here. My son

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

Changes to Cognition Due to Hormone Therapy

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In the last article, I promised to discuss how my cognition — my thoughts, emotions, and methodology of observing the world around me — have changed since I began Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in July, 2022. I was surprised by how rapidly inner changes occurred. I still experience revelations regularly, which has

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

The Horrors of Coming Out

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Dear Reader, I would like to come out to you. I voted for Ross Perot in 1992. Yeah…it’s true. In fact, I voted for him again in 1996. My father told me that I was responsible for electing Bill Clinton, whom he despised. My opinion was that Perot

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

Why Are There So Many Transgender People in Technology?

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I have a quickie thought that I wanted to get out of my head since three completely unrelated conversations recently led me to reconsider something that I had assumed to be a foregone conclusion. I promise there will be no science, no footnotes, and little actual content. That can come

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

The Journey Begins…

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Three months ago today — 07 July, 2022 — I applied my first estradiol patch and began my gender transition from presenting as a man to presenting as a woman. Three months ago, I would never have believed that the changes that I experienced could be possible in my life. When I

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick