
Pondering the deep issues in identity and gender

"I Am Not a Fish" and Other Christian Inconsistencies

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Transubstantiation is only the beginning

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick
Tucker Lieberman in red jacket, yellow shirt, blue hat. 42-year-old white guy with blue eyes and graying beard.

Introduction: Tucker Lieberman

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Identities move together like ripples. They're ways of being.

Tucker Lieberman
Tucker Lieberman

Identity and the Division of Labor

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You scratch my parts, I'll scratch yours

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

Shaking the Foundation of Identity

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When major reconstruction is better than living in ignorance

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

To Bear Responsibility is Transgender

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To err is the rest of society

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

Review of Gender Theory and Transgender Traits

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Collecting all my thoughts in one convenient place

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

The Big Problems — Post-Gender Transition Edition

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I have Big Problems, and you should, too.

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

Taking a Shower: Identity and Insight into Gender and Sexuality Spectra

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I got a nice surprise this morning.

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

On Sex, Gender, and the Origin of Thought

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Recently, Kitty Whitemore published an article with a response asking whether her “internal narrator” “change[d] from masculine to feminine” as she transitioned from presenting as a man to presenting as a woman. She has since published a more complete response to this question with her opinion on how her

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick

The Reflection

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Before I jump into what I have named The Reflection, I want to summarize some of the points that I have tried to make so far. The first major point is the distinction between sex and gender. Although genetics has been well studied, the human genome defines only physical characteristics,

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick