Cognition and its impact on identity and gender
Are Trans People Asking For Too Much?
I wrote a feminist article recently that included some information in it about makeup artists. I didn't even think about it, but one of the makeup artists was Nikki Tutorials and because she is a trans woman, some people took issue with me including her and voiced this
Bearing Responsibility for the Transgender Community
Is it enough to care only for ourselves?
Writing My Transgender Life
Forcing my thoughts to change by leaving my comfort zone
Review of Gender Theory and Transgender Traits
Collecting all my thoughts in one convenient place
Does Gender Dysphoria Make You Transgender?
In a world filled with misinformation, let’s at least fix one of them
Changing My Transgender Oil
My tires seem all right, but I have a rattle when I get over about 60 MPH
I Struggle to Feel Valuable — Please Help Me
In a world full of beauty, I remain a goat — and not in the good way
The Artist’s Way Should Be Required Reading for Gender Dysphoria
How two simple tools can alleviate many troubles in our lives
One Thing Abnormal About My Transgender
In a maelstrom of normal, the eye of oddity is queerly quiet
The Ineluctable Wisdom of Cat Posters
Making Self-Care Normal Since…well, never…but maybe I should I start!
Gender Transition: You Are Who You Have Always Been
“Who could ever love a beast so hideous and ugly?” Princess Fiona, “Shrek”